Year 1 – Hedgehogs
Hello, welcome to our Hedgehogs class page!
We are excited to help you learn and grow this year. We have lots of fun and exciting new learning planned out for you.
Take a look below to find out more information about what we will be learning.
Mrs Hopkinson, Mrs Walls and Mrs Lawrence
Key Information
Teaching Staff – Our teaching team consists of Mrs Hopkinson and Mrs Walls. Mrs Hopkinson teaches on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Mrs Walls teaches on a Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday. Mrs Lawrence supports our children on a Thursday and Friday.
PE – Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday. Children need to come in their PE kits. Please ensure these are fully labelled.
Reading – Reading books are changed every Friday. Please ensure that reading wallets are kept in book bags.
If you have any questions for us please see us during pick up or drop off times or contact us via our class email –
Useful Links
Information for parents about Read Write Inc phonics
Parents – Ruth Miskin Literacy
Use your logins to access NumBots online
NumBots | Motivational maths practice for schools and families.
A range of phonics games
Letters and Sounds, English Games for 5-7 Years – Topmarks
Hedgehogs Newsletter – Autumn 1
Hedgehogs Newsletter – Autumn 2