Year 2 – Badger Class
Hello! Welcome to Badger Class. We are a super bunch of Year 2s, taught by Miss Smith.
Year 2 is an important year at school, marking children’s final phase of their Key Stage 1 journey. It is an exciting, busy time where children are encouraged and supported to develop their confidence, resilience and independence. The Year 2 curriculum is packed with new and stimulating topics to find out about, with so many fun and exciting learning opportunities to be had.
We pride ourselves on being a ‘Growth Mindset’ class with a positive attitude; we are always ready to rise to challenges and seek to achieve anything that we put our minds to. “WE CAN DO IT!”
Key Information:
Children come to school in their P.E. kits on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Reading books to be in school every day (home reads should be recorded on Boom Reader).
Weekly spellings will be checked on Fridays.
Home Learning:
Reading at least four times a week.
Regular practice on NumBots –
Learning weekly spellings –
Regular practice on Times Tables Rock Stars –