‘Over time, pupils have left East Markham Primary School well prepared for their
secondary education. They have achieved well and have positive attitudes to learning.’ Ofsted, 2018

We were last inspected by Ofsted in February 2018, and retained our Good rating.

Here are some of the elements which stood out within the report:

  • it is clear that pupils love coming to this school
  • staff are enthusiastic and committed. All staff who responded
    to the questionnaire say that they are proud to work at the school
  • you are creative and work very well with other organisations to ensure that pupils have a wide range of opportunities to be physically healthy
  • the school provides a well-rounded education that ensures that pupils thrive
  • the broad range of interesting activities supports pupils’ all-round development
  • pupils’ positive attitudes and good behaviour make a major contribution to their good progress
  • parents and carers praise the commitment of staff and the caring nature of the school. One parent said,
    ‘The village is proud of the school. It feels very much like a family.’
  • teachers have high expectations of what pupils can achieve
  • school leaders, including the governing body, have ensured that safeguarding arrangements are fit for purpose

Read the full report here or have your say through Ofsted Parent View.