ELSA stands for Emotional Literacy Support Assistant. An ELSA is a teaching assistant who has received additional training by Educational Psychologists to support children with their emotional development. At East Markham Primary our trained ELSA is Mrs Walls.

An ELSA’s role is to support children to understand their emotions and respect the feelings of others with an aim to develop new skills and coping strategies. This can involve both 1-1 and group work.

The ELSA role compliments work that is already undertaken within school through subjects such as PSHE. Children who might benefit from ELSA will be identified and referred to ELSA by their class teacher, SENDCO or senior leaders. The ELSA will meet with the class teacher to discuss the referral and develop individual specific targets.

Sometimes during intervention it might become apparent that the support needed is beyond the expertise of an ELSA and at these times school can support parents/carers with signposting to appropriate agencies.

If you feel your child might benefit from ELSA support please speak with your class teacher in the first instance.

See the below leaflet for further information.

ELSA leaflet – information for parents&carers.pdf